NATGRID now has 105 Crore Facial Entries for Enhanced Surveillance

National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) now has intelligence sharing surveillance database containing over 105 crore facial records, covering approximately 80% of India’s population. This database, overseen by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), facilitates integrated intelligence sharing among Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) for the purpose of identifying and tracking criminals.

Amidst the current election period, NATGRID assumes a crucial role in assisting enforcement agencies in curbing the activities of habitual offenders. Leveraging advanced capabilities, NATGRID can swiftly access and compare masked facial data, expediting investigative processes.

Having established Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with several governmental bodies, including the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), and the Income Tax department, as well as numerous police agencies, NATGRID ensures a comprehensive approach to intelligence sharing and analysis.

The data, sourced from airports, railways, PAN records, banks, passports, Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS), telecom service providers, vehicle registration data, the National Population Register (NPR), open source intelligence (OSINT), corporate details, and many other sources, is instrumental in the government’s efforts to establish a robust national database aimed at monitoring illicit activities such as terror financing, counterfeit currency circulation, narcotics trafficking, and illegal arms smuggling.

Most recent effective use of NATGRID was when Law Enforcement Agencies had been able to expose drug rackets by getting information from it.

Government officials emphasize that the integration of cutting-edge technologies with intelligence gathering enhances their ability to proactively mitigate security threats. By consolidating data from diverse sources, NATGRID and its affiliates bolster their capacity to anticipate and address criminal and terrorist activities effectively.

Given the sensitivity of privacy and data security concerns, stringent protocols have been implemented to prevent unauthorized access to citizens’ personal data within the system. Authorised agencies can only access data by logging onto the NATGRID portal. The data infrastructure has adequate safeguards to avoid breach. For instance, the end-to-end encrypted portal can be accessed only after proper authorisation and authentication.  

The NATGRID solution, accessible to 11 central agencies, as well as police departments across all states and Union Territories, facilitates real-time information exchange essential for intelligence operations and investigations. Collaborating with C-DAC Pune as a technology partner and IIT-Bhilai as Plan Management Consultant underscores the commitment to developing an effective and secure NATGRID solution.

Author: Indian Military News

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